Saturday, January 9, 2010

Low-Fat Delicious Salad

I don't have a picture - my salad was nearly completely consumed when I decided to share this "recipe" with you all. I know we're all trying to lose weight right now so I thought I'd throw this out there.

I estimate it to be around 200 calories - but that depends on how much cheese you put on it *winky*
  • 2-3 boneless, skinless, chicken breasts* (about 120 calories per serving)
  • 1 can Mexican-flavored diced tomatoes (about 30 calories per serving)
  • Hearts of romaine (15 calories per serving)
  • 1 can of sliced olives (25 calories per serving)
  • Cheese - your favorite kind, and however much you feel you need. (calories vary)
*I buy the individually frozen chicken breasts at Winco and plop them into the ol'crockpot while they're still frozen. They cook up beautifully.

Place the chicken breasts and the tomatoes into a crockpot and cook on low for about 4 hours (at least that's how long it took in my crockpot). Using two forks, shred the chicken and then let it cook for about another 1/2 hour to soak back in all the juices.

Place a handful or two of your chopped romaine lettuce onto a plate, give it a big, heaping spoonful of the shredded chicken, about a spoonful (or more) of olives, and top with some cheese.

This salad was SO GOOD. And with all the juice from the tomatoes/chicken, you don't even need any fatty dressing.

You could cook up some shredded chicken and keep it in your refrigerator and have this salad for lunch every day of the week. I think that's what I'll do.

1 comment:

The Fife's said...

That sounds delicious, and I do have a Winco here. I'm so happy to report that!!